Sunday, July 18, 2010

Imigration reform why????

I am not sure what all the controversy is over the need to re-form our immigration policies? It appears to me that what we have works well; it’s not rocket science. The basic tenants of the US policy are that if we, the US, have a need then we allow folks to come in and fill the need if we don’t then you have to stay home. Simple…. So the only reason that someone would think that we need to reform the policy is if they 1.) don’t think we are filling the needs or 2.) they just want to let more folks come in…. Let’s look at number 1, this seems easy, we have as a nation over 9% un-employment so I don’t think that one can say that we need more folks to come here and fill the need? So it must be 2, well to that I ask why? Why would we want to let folks in now when we have over 9% un-employment, a national debt that is going god know where (up) and we have millions of Americans currently on some form of government assistance. Doesn’t sound as if it’s a good time to reform our policies and potentially add to these growing problems. Now, I am all for letting folks come on over and visit, spend money and help grow our economy but they need to go home when the visit is over. The “going home part” seems to be an issue so maybe we should focus on reform on that part of the immigration policy. Maybe the folks that support number 2 say that we need to let more folks in because it sucks where they live and we need to help by letting them chase the American dream? Well, I will give ya that, it probably does suck or else they wouldn’t want to come in but again we have a current policy in place that allows the US to determine if you are the type of individual that we want… Go through the procedures (here is the link ) and see if you pass, if you don’t then I’m sorry; try Canada or France. Or perhaps you could stay where you are and try to make it a better place to live, maybe even better than the US. Look, most of the folks that want to come live in the US are from nations that are hundreds or thousands of years old. They have had all that time to put a government in place that would resemble what they think the US has to offer. Why not look at the history of our great nation, that’s the blueprint on how to do it.

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